
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


KS1 Topic


This week in our topic we are learning to talk about events in our own past.  This means that we would like the children to talk about an event in their lives and talk about what happened, why it was special and how long ago it happened.


The children will find this easier if they can look at a  photograph or object that reflects their  event.   Once you have chosen a photograph or object to share , talk together and describe the event and why it was important. Encourage them to consider how long ago the event happened and describe this using time-related words and phrases.

You might like to look at more than one event...enjoy sharing some memories together.  Grown-ups at home might also have a special event from your own lives they would like to share with your child.  Talking together will really help the children to understand things that happen in the past.

Mrs Smith's special event

My special event was my wedding.  It happened 18 years ago which is quite a long time ago.  It was a special day because I got married and we shared it with all of our family and friends. My favourite part of the day was dancing with my little bridesmaids in the evening.