
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Year 4: Pilgrims

Class trip to Ferry Meadows - We looked at the depth of the river and how this affects the speed (which we tested using dog biscuits!) and then we used a Bug Menu to identify bugs that we found during pond dipping!

Professor Sulphur came to join us for a morning of Silly Science! We learnt about forces (thrust is a FORWARDS MOVING MOVEMENT), what elements fire needs, and also explosions!

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Silly Science 8.MOV

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Silly Science 9.MOV

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World Book Day! We had an amazing day creating our own fairytale stories. We had all sorts of weird and wonderful fairytales inspired by Michael Rosen's Goldilocks and The Three Crocodiles!

Pudsey!!! We had a special visitor in to see us for Children In Need!

Class trip to Lincoln Collection Museum - We completed our own excavation, looking for artefacts (our grid referencing learning in Geography came in handy here!). We researched the artefacts and then had to convince our museum curator to put them on display in his museum! After that, we learnt about Viking fabrics and clothes and also how to barter using Viking currency.

Fresh Food, Good Food! Trying different healthy snacks to understand what makes food healthy.

Making our own digestive system in science to help us understand the different steps in our digestive systems!

Making palm crosses and trying hot cross buns to help us understand how Christians celebrate Holy Week and why Holy Week is significant.

Our Little FISH leading a PictureNews Collective Worship (and receiving a surprise gift from PictureNews!!)
