
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Useful Links

National Online Safety 

 St Nicholas are a National Online Safety Certified School. This means we are able to offer FREE access to all of the resources and videos that are available through the website or the free app to all parents.

Each week National Online Safety release a guide to support 'safe internet usage' Social media, online safety, cyberbullying and apps are just a few of the things that are covered.

Click the logo below for a link to the website to search the contents and then contact the school for information on how to access and create a log in to the free app via the school's offer. 


Each week we will tweet that 'Wake Up Wednesday' guide but it will also be available in school and via the app.

See Mr Bell for a QR code 

Here are a few examples of recent guides


SEND (Special Educational Need and Disability)

Listed below are a few local support organisations that may be of interest.

Please click on the logo to visit their website.


Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum 

LPCF is specifically tasked with working alongside the Local Authority and Health to help ensure that the services they plan, commission, deliver and monitor meet the needs of children with Disabilities and Special Educational Needs.


Lincolnshire Parent Partnership

Lincolnshire Parent Partnership supports parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs (SEN), from preschool until school leaving age. They provide free and impartial information so that parents can be fully involved in decisions about their child's education.


The Working Together Team

The Working Together Team offers high-quality support to schools and academies working with students with a wide range of social communication and/or learning needs. Working in partnership with our colleagues in schools and academies within the graduated approach outlined in the SEN Code of Practice, the Working Together Team provides expertise and practical specialised assistance that enables children and young people to achieve the best possible educational outcomes and make successful transitions to adulthood.


Lincolnshire Autistic Society 

Since its inception, the Society has actively promoted the provision of care, well-being, education and employment for those with ASD as well as increasing public awareness and understanding to encourage acceptance and support in the wider community


Lincolnshire ADHD Support

We are an organisation made up of volunteers, mainly parents of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. We are dedicated to providing up-to-date information, resources and networking opportunities to parents of children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) and the professionals who serve them. 

The link below will take you to our Facebook page 



Welcome to the ADHD+ Support, based in Chelmsford, Essex.  We are a charitable organisation with a primary aim of providing information, support and services to those with ADHD and its many associated and co-existing conditions.  We are primarily run by volunteers who have a personal connection with these conditions.


NHS ADHD Support and courses available for parents 



Lincolnshire Carers Service  (Including Young Carers)

Carers First works directly with and for carers to provide personalised information and advice. Making it easier for those caring for someone else to continue living their lives to the fullest.

It’s estimated there are 79,000 people in Lincolnshire providing care for a relative or friend. We believe every one of those people deserves the support necessary to thrive in their role.


Lincolnshire Young Voices 

Lincolnshire Young Voices (LYV) are a pan-disability participation group. We research and act upon issues faced by young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

We are funded by Lincolnshire County Council and supported by Lincolnshire NHS. Our aims are to improve accessibility - in its broadest terms - within services and raise awareness of SEND. 

Our committee members have lived experience of disability and are dedicated to making positive change.

We have been meeting every two months on a formal basis and have made great progress. We have held social evenings via Zoom to ensure our members feel engaged and included throughout the pandemic.

We understand that to inspire change we need to network and partner with other organisations. 



Lincolnshire IASS

We offer an information, advice and support service to children, young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability and their parents. This includes information and advice on SEN and Disability law. Need extra help with: learning; saying what you think; saying how you feel; talking about your future? We can help you! Talk to a Liaise advisor about: Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans; personal budgets; admissions; transport; bullying; exclusion.


Lincolnshire Healthy Minds 

Healthy Minds Lincolnshire provide emotional wellbeing support for children and young people up to 19 years old.  If you have a special educational need or disability or are a care leaver we can see you up to the age of 25.


Mental Health Support Team 

Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) are an expanding service designed to help meet the mental health needs of children and young people in selected education settings.

Teams are made up of Clinical Lead Practitioners and Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHPs) and work collaboratively with selected education settings and our other children and young people’s services, including Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, and Healthy Minds Lincolnshire.





CASY provides a confidential counselling service to young people aged from 6 to 25 within Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire.


Children and Young Peoples Nurses

The Children and Young People's Nurse (CYPN) service cover the whole of Lincolnshire. They provide support to children who are in year 1 at school and up to the age of 19 years (SEND 25).



National Smile Week Activity pack

Family and Adult Learning 

Please see below for the newsletters from the Lincolnshire Family Learning and Adult Learning Teams.


Family Lives have a great support network and sent this for us to share.

Unfortunately, for some families, lockdown can be a troublesome, lonely time.  If you would like to speak to someone, we are here for you.  You can talk to one of our, Family Support Workers by calling our confidential Family Lives Helpline on 0808 800 2222.  

Stranger Danger 


Please read the  documents below to highlight the importance of talking to your children about how to stay safe when they are not with you.


There is also a link to a 60 second Stranger danger video here: enlightened



BRIC have a wonderful opportunity for Parents and Families

Parents, why not try these online courses to boost your self-esteem:

If you are a parent or carer, the web-links below will be useful to help you keep your children safe when using the internet at home.

Mental Health and Wellbeing 

Online ‘Managing worries and anxious feelings’ workshop


On the link below you will find a recorded anxiety workshop that is appropriate for both Primary and Secondary aged pupils.  We recommend that Primary aged children are supported by their Parents/carers/responsible adult to access this as they might need some help to understand or complete the activities.  The workshop contains positive, supportive strategies that would be delivered to a group of children that are either experiencing some low level worries/anxieties or to provide education and support about some supportive strategies that are just good to know anyway on a day to day basis to help us to understand ourselves more and process our feelings.


On the link if you scroll to near the bottom of the page you will find the workshop. 

There are links to supporting workbooks for Primary and Secondary aged children to use alongside the workshop which are just about the video.  There is also a parent pack to download under the video with advice and support for parents and carers.  Please see the link below for the online anxiety workshop:


smiley click link below


Relaxation and Mindfulness

On the same link:

smiley Click link below


 If you scroll down you will see lots of helpful information.  If you click on the relaxation and self-soothing tab you will find some short relaxation videos which are around two minutes long. These can be used by not only children and young people, but family/carers and professionals who may be struggling and need some support :


  • square breathing
  • finger breathing
  • colour breathing
  • my happy place exercise
  • progressive muscle relaxation 


Coronavirus support page

On this link:

smiley Click link below


You will find resources here to support emotional wellbeing in relation to Coronavirus.  This is a growing resource with contributions from both CAMHS and Healthy Minds Lincolnshire.  On here you will find some new helpful videos:


  • 5 Ways to Wellbeing during Covid -19 (found directly on webpage, scroll down)
  • Top Tips for Young People during Covid -19 (found on webpage link under “Tips/Advice on managing anxiety and mental health during Coronavirus.”)
  • Top Tips for Parents/Carers during Covid-19 (found on webpage link under “Supporting your child during Coronavirus.”)
  • Top Tips for Teaching staff during Covid -19 (found on webpage link, right at the bottom)



Of course as always if you have concerns about a child or young person’s emotional wellbeing you are able to contact  the Here4You line which is operational as normal.

  Here4You line on 01522 309120 – available Monday to Friday 09.30 – 16.30.

 Alternatively, please visit where you can find useful information and self-help advice.

NEW Booklet to support understanding feelings about the world at the moment

On this website you will also find self-help information for children, young people, parents and professionals as well as information on what to do if more help is needed.




Activities to do with your child to promote wellbeing 
Web based activities
