
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Whole Class Story

Every afternoon, after lunch we will settle down to a story.

This term we will be reading ...

Our class book for the start of this term is...


Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown

Stanley Lambchop is an ordinary boy with an extraordinary problem. One night, a giant pinboard falls on top of him leaving him completely flat. At first, Stanley enjoys the benefits of his strange predicament - it can be fun going in out of rooms simply by sliding under the door. And it's a hoot being posted to your friends in California for a holiday. But it's not always easy being different, and, once the novelty begins to wear off, Stanley wishes he could be just like everybody else again. But how will he ever fill out?

We will also be reading... 

Tuesday by David Wiesner

In this ingenious and imaginative - nearly wordless - picture book, frogs in a pond lift off on their lily pads and fly to a nearby town where they zoom through a woman's living room, encounter a dog playing in his yard, and distract a bathrobe-clad citizen from his midnight snack. Who knows what will happen next Tuesday?
