This lesson is for everyone in the class.
We are going to be reading some more of our class book, Cat Tales: Ice Cat. We will be reading Page 1 to 15. There is a document below that has the pages on it and a recording of me reading the book. Have a read and/or a listen and then look at the questions for today's lesson.
1) Is it fair that Gary and his Dad are having a snowman building competition against Tom? Explain your answers.
2) Competition is always a bad thing. Is this statement always true, sometimes true or never true?
Explain why you think that.
During our lessons on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we are going to be using Poetry. As we have explored in class, poetry can come in lots of different forms! During our lessons we will be looking at poems and some songs, but remember...if we are using song you need to read the lyrics before listening to the song. Then listen carefully to the lyrics because that is the poetry!
To be able to make a prediction using inference.
What is a prediction?
Prediction is when you make a guess, using the information that you have, about something that might happen. For today's lesson we are using prediction to guess what will happen next.
What is inference?
Inference is using all of the information that you have available to make your idea. This could be from the text or pictures.
Today we are going to be using the text from the Ice cat which is attached above. Read it through and then have a go at answering the question below, remember to explain your answers!
What do you predict will happen as Tom, Gary and his Dad continue the snowman building competition?