What is justice?
Justice is the morally fair and right state of everything. To have justice as a person's character trait means that they are just and treat everyone the same. They would also treat people how they would like to be treated.
We will explore with the children what the word peace
means in it's different contexts and will help the children
reflect on what peace could mean to them.
As a starting point to our value we will focus on Remembrance Day and how the poppy has become a sign of peace to many people. We will also think about the word peace in our lead up to Christmas and explore within the Christian Bible why Christmas is a time for Peace.
Throughout this first term we will be exploring what the word family means to us and how there are lots of different types of families that you can belong to; each one special, each one unique but they all have one thing in common ... LOVE.
We will also be looking at the bible story 'Jesus visiting the temple a boy' which you can watch and discuss together at home using the following link.