This term we will be focussing on:
What learning will this cover?
Addition and Subtraction
We will revisit methods to solve addition and subtraction number sentences. In Year 1 these focus on counting forwards or backwards using a number line, drawing pictures, using objects or the numicon and mentally counting forwards and backwards. We will also explore the relationship between the two operations and this will help us to create simple fact families.
Place Value to 100
The children will learn to count forwards and backwards to 100. They will continue to look for patterns in the hundred square to secure their knowledge of place value. Using practical apparatus they will showing how numbers are made, becoming confident with talking about how many tens and ones are in a number. Once this is secure the children will order and compare numbers saying which is more, greater or less.
Multiplication and Division
During this unit the children will secure their counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10. They will learn that multiplication is groups of a number and learn to count the groups. After this we will learn that numbers and objects can be divided by grouping or sharing. A big focus will be learning to share objects fairly so that each group has the same amount.
In Year 1 we learn what a half and a quarter is. The most important thing is that the children learn that each part must be the same. Once children are confident finding a half or a quarter of a shape they will learn to find a half or a quarter of a number.