Welcome to our home learning page! There are lots of ideas that might interest you whilst we are all at home but please do not feel like you have to complete each one. Learning happens everywhere...this could be building a den, riding a bike, watching CBeebies or helping to cook the dinner. This is a library to dip into and out of as you wish. The most important thing is that you all stay safe and follow our number one rule in Gospels Class of 'Be kind'. We can't wait to see you all back at school

Each day three new lessons are released on the the national academy website for year children. This covers English, Maths and one other subject. However in Year 1 reading and phonics are key priority areas so it would be great if the children could keep practicing these at home. The links below will take you to pages to help. Also if you haven't yet accessed Nessy please get in touch for your log in details. As always if you need any help, support or guidance please do contact Mrs Smith through the web page or ring school on 01205363210.
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Oxford Owl e-books
Choose your colour reading level to access free books to read online. If you're not sure which colour to select try starting at blue or green.
Phonics Play
Access the games to practice reading and phonics
Whilst you are using the internet please make sure you all stay safe. The children have learnt about internet safety at school and the links below will help remind them of some key messages.
We know that this is going to be a challenging time for parents too...we are parents ourselves and facing endless days at home with little other human contact is hard! This link will take you too our parent page with resources for you! Please remember if you would like to get in touch for help, support or just a general hello then please use the contact form on our class page.
Our new value this term is very fitting to the times we are in! Perhaps you could talk to your child about what this means and how they can show it. It would be so easy to give up trying at the moment but each and every one of you is living this value by not giving up and persevering with our current living situation.
To help the children understand you might like to start with the bible story of Noah's Ark. They can find this in their Bible's or follow the link below to watch an animated version. Together you could discuss:
How did Noah show perseverance at different parts of the story?
Is everything that God does fair?
Our reading and writing is based upon our phonics work. Most of the children have completed phases 1-5 and are working on consolidating the sounds in phases 3 and 5 in both reading and spelling. The children love to watch the alphablocks and these short videos, which can be found on youtube, are a great way of revising any sounds they may have forgotten! Below are some links that will hopefully be useful to parents and exciting to children over the next few weeks at home.
Phonics Play
These are the games we play regularly in school so the children will know which ones to choose! Try to practise your speed sounds as well as reading with Obb and Bob or the pirates!
PE Fun
Keeping fit with a difference
The stories that we have been reading this term can be found on our English page! Follow the link here:
If you would like some ideas away from your screen you could practise:
- The alphabet
- Writing sentences with a capital letter, full stop and the conjunction and. Maybe you could keep a diary to show us what you have been doing?
- Practise your letter formation this could be using pencil and paper, crayons, in sand, with chalk, or in a tray of flour!
- Practise learning the letter names as well as their sound.
- Read, read, read! Enjoy reading yourselves or listening to someone else read.
Every day we practise counting in steps of 1, 2s, 5s and 10s to 100. We usually use Jack Hartmann to help us get some exercise alongside our counting. Below are some of the videos we use but you can find many more by searching on youtube.
Let's Get Fit | Count to 100 | Count to 100 Song | Counting to 100 | Jack Hartmann
Teach your children to count to 100 as they get some great exercise too. This cool kid-friendly song starts out with a message about staying healthy and fit ...
Count by 2 | Dancing 2's | Skip Counting by 2 | Count to 100 | Educational Songs | Jack Hartmann
Dancing 2's is a fun way for kids to learn to skip count by 2. Children follow me doing different dances as we count to 100 by 2. Every time we hit a place h...
Count Together by 10's | Counting Workout for Kids | Jack Hartmann
Count by 10's and exercise with Jack Hartmann. Build your body and brain with this count by 10's video. Count by 10's to 100 and build your brain and body. L...
It's a Count by 5 Fitness Fiesta | Count by 5 | Jack Hartmann
Count by 5's song. Kids love to count by 5's and exercise to this fun, upbeat Latin styled song for kids. Fitness Fiesta is a great skip count by five's song...
We follow White Rose Maths in school and they have developed a home learning site that will keep you practising the topics we would be learning in school.
In our lessons we use challenges each day that promote our reasoning skills. This involves us talking about our maths and trying to explain why we think something. The following link provides resources that the children will recognise from our 'next steps'.
Other links that you might enjoy or find useful:
If you would like some ideas away from a screen you could try:
- Playing board games ...make them harder by playing with two dice and adding the amounts together.
- Playing cards
- Practise forming your numbers correctly
- When out on your daily walk go on a number hunt. Can you tell an adult how many tens and ones in the numbers you see?
- Learn to tell the time on an analogue clock. In year 1 we practise o'clock and half past the hour.
- Mental maths ....doubles, number bonds, adding and take away.
- Count, count count...in 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s!
Our Topic this term is Enchanted Woodland! This is an exciting topic based in stories set in the woodland....Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, The Gruffalo, Stick man, Goldilocks and the three bears... there are so many! Enjoy reading these stories online together and retelling them in different ways.
We would be planting and growing seeds so if you have the opportunity perhaps you could grow some seeds either in a pot or in your garden?
When out for a walk look at the plants you can find....can you name the parts of the plant? Stem, leaf, flower, root, petal?