
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Our Church School Values

Responsibility - Term 6



our Bible story that relates to our value this term of 'Responsibility' is the Parable of Talents. Click on the link below to listen to the story


Parable of the Talents


We will be thinking about how we are responsible in our lives, at home and at school.


 Love - Term 5


This term our value is Love. We will think about how we show love to our friends and family. We will talk about what we Love.



                                                                                         Justice - Term 4


This term our School value is Justice. The Justice revealed in the Bible is always seen in the context of love. It includes the call to take responsibility for one another, especially the poor and oppressed, and to see that no-one is excluded from the essentials of life. 

Please find below ideas to explore the value at home.


Justice - Home School values

                                                                                                Forgiveness - Term 3


This term we will discuss what it is to forgive. We will discuss that forgiveness is not a one-time action and that Christians believe that there is not a limit to forgiveness. We will think about when we need to ask for forgiveness and when we will forgive others.


We will learn that God will always forgive us.

Term 2 - Peace


This term our collective worship theme is 'Peace'. We will be thinking about what peace means to us. How can you show peace? How can we make our classrooms and school a peaceful place.


We will be learning about how Jesus teaches Christians to show peace through stories in the Bible.


At home, you could discuss our theme with your child. What could they do at home to bring peace to your household? 








Term 1 - Family


This term our Collective worship theme will be based around 'Family'.  We will be exploring how families are different, what is special about them and how we can be members of lots of different families.  We will also be exploring some stories from the Bible to help us understand more about being part of God's Family.


At home,  you could talk about all the different people in your family together?  Perhaps there are members of your family who live in your house but others might live in another town or another country?!  We will be inviting the children to tell us about their family over the term and discussions at home beforehand will help them to have lots to tell us about!

