In Year 4 it is expected that the children will be reading 5 times a week and will be making entries into their own Reading Journals. This could be what they have learnt, what they have read about or what they enjoyed of the book.
Whilst children reading alone is great, it is also really beneficial for children to read to an adult as this encourages children to speak with expression. Alongside this, reading with an adult can help them with words that they don't know and enables the adult to ask questions about the book, building the children's comprehension skills. If you would like a list of some simple questions that you could ask, please speak to Mrs Oliver.
I am already so impressed with the reading skills in year 4. Make sure that you are reading as much as you can so that we can get tickets in the box at the end of the week.
Class novel
Our class novel this term is The Firework Makers Daughter by Philip Pullman. I can't wait for us to start reading this together and to hear all of your amazing ideas!
This term we are writing to entertain, writing in the first person and in the third person. We are going to be looking at different Ancient Greek myths and focusing on the 12 labors of Hercules. Alongside this we will be creating our own mythical creature for Hercules to defeat.
Greek Myths
This week we have been looking at the Greek myth of King Midas. We have had a fantastic discussion about what we would be able to do if we had that much gold, but also what we would never be able to do again if everything we touched turned to gold.
Was he right to make that request from Dionysus?