
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


We love to read in year 1 and look forward to our daily story time. The children are now able to join in with reading more and more as their own reading develops too! We will read exciting and engaging stories as well as non-fiction books where we learn lots of new information. We will also read some poems and have a go at performing them too. 


Each term we will be enjoying a traditional tale and this term our story will be 'The Elves and the Shoemaker'. This traditional tale is a lovely story that is all about being kind and helping one another. I am sure the children will love it, especially the Elves! 

Please continue to read with your child 5 times a week and remember to sign their reading diary each day.  When reading together encourage your child to use their sounds to read the words. All books are changed on FRIDAYS and your child will bring home 3 new books each week.  Research shows that reading improves when children re-read the same book so please revisit the stories so that by the end of each week your child is confidently reading the book. 

Books we have read this term
