
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Whole School


Year 5 and 6 'Singsation' event at Boston Grammar School. Had a great afternoon with @h_sandersing plus the following schools Butterwick Primary School Boston St Thomas Staniland Academy St George's Preparatory School, Boston, Lincs Wrangle Primary Tower Road Academy Boston West Academy & St Nicholas CofE Primary for an afternoon of live music and singing 🎤🎸🎹 #lincsmusic #singsation

KS1 Christingle Service

EYFS and Year 1 - Visit to St Nicholas' Church

Parental Involvement Afternoon! Book Fair, Defeat the Sweet , Globi, Asda Steve healthy eating and Teeth information!

EYFS and Year 5's Trip to Blackfriers Theatre to see Beauty and the Beast!

Children In Need - Pudsey Bear came for a visit!

Odd Sock Day to raise awareness for mental health!

Wear Yellow for Mental Health


Macmillan Cancer Support Bake Sale run by Friends Of St Nics

Community Orchard Harvesting

We all took part in the Mental Health Foundations 'Wear it Green Day'. The scavenger hunt was great and we all took part on lots of movement to keep our bodies and souls healthy

World Down Syndrome Day was celebrated in style at St Nicholas with funky socks, a 3:21 challenge and an awareness assembly.We learned so much about Chromosomes, inclusion,uniqueness and how to help people using signs.

Science Week 2024- We were lucky enough to have a visit from a scientist who shared with us some AWESOME investigations to help inspire us to be curious and to remember to never stop asking questions!

Open The Book shared the story of David and King Saul, Some of our school family had to hide with David in a cave so Saul didn't find them

Well what can you do when Asda Stephen donates pancakes and fruit? Have a Pancake Party of course! Mrs Curtis and some of her groups had a great time chopping up the fruit that had been donated. Even Jeffrey the caterpillar had a try!

The Friends Of St Nicholas organised a Christmas Fair! Each class made something to sell at the fair to help raise money for some exciting projects in the future!

We visited Blackfriars in Boston to watch 'Peter Pan ' the pantomime

Children in need - Pudsey Bear

Odd Sock Day to raise awareness for Mental Health Week

The Little FISH helped look after the school grounds by planting bulbs in our planters. We can't wait to watch them grow!

Picture News Webinar: After only being together a week, our Little FISH spoke to over 800 people on a Picture News Webinar. They spoke about how we use Picture News in our school and they told everyone what they love about using Picture News. St Nichs' Little FISH were the only school to be asked to help deliver this special training to a variety of people in schools such as: teachers, Headteachers and other children. The feedback our Little FISH received was wonderful. Our Little FISH really did shine their light across the whole of the UK!

Goodbye Mrs Harrison, Enjoy your retirement......

Y6 Leavers BBQ 

Worship , Assembly and Shine time often consist of very unusual things, like when Mr Bell was taught how to Street Dance by our very own champion, The Little FISH delivered assemblies to share information about other Infinity Schools and of course singing assembly with Mrs MacRae

Today Tammy delivered a very special worship about LOVE. Because it was Mrs Booths birthday this involved us learning all about how love can overflow if you share yours, we then all shared our love with Mrs Booth in a 'TOP SECRET MISSION' Mrs Booth said that with all of the kind words and reminders all over her there was no way she could not feel overflowing with love today and everyday.

Open The Book visited us to re enact the story of the King who did not like to be told "no" and took quite a strong dislike to people who would not bow down to his statue! Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—were thrown into a fiery furnace because of their faithfulness to God, King Nebuchadnezzar, came to witness their execution—but he was stunned to see not three but four men in the fire...and he recognized that the fourth man in the fire was none other than the Son of God

We had a very important visitor just before the holidays! The Mayor of Boston visited, she joined us for 'Shine Time' and enjoyed meeting every pupil and reading some poems with a small group.Madam Mayor was so impressed with our 'Little Fish' she has invited us to attend the Mayor's Parlour for a visit ! Keep your eyes open for pictures of this . Here are a few pictures of Madam Mayor's adventures at St Nicholas.

Eyfs and KS1 nativity 2022...St Nicholas C of E Primary Academy were proud to put on their first live performances in three years with the Nativity ‘Hey Ewe!’ to a hall full of excited families and friends! Around 80 children aged 4-7 performed on the stage, all having their chance to ‘Let their light shine’ and how they dazzled the audience! The show was packed with vigour, humour and of course a medley of infectious songs! Hey Ewe! is the original nativity play but told from the perspective of a very curious sheep! With a gospel choir of angels, calypso-ing kings and square-dancing sheep, Hey Ewe! had us all tapping our toes and baaing away to all the songs!

BBC Radio Lincolnshire invited us to help them celebrate at their Christmas Concert. We all had a great time and Mr Bell even got interviewed about how super hard we had worked . We were all so proud to be asked to represent our St Nicholas Family. Make sure you tune in on December 23rd to hear us. Until then here are a few snap shots of the evening. To see some videos of the live event please copy this link .

Today Father John joined us remotely to help us celebrate Christingle. Year 6 had spent a lot of time carefully crafting every single school family member a Christingle to light during the service.Christingle celebrations are named after the Christingles that are lit during the ceremony. Christingles are oranges wrapped in red tape representing the world surrounded by Jesus blood. They are decorated with dried fruit or sweets to represent the seasons of the year. The candle on the top is to remind us that Jesus is the Light of the World.

Boston Book Worms! The children were amazed at the variety of books on show in the hall today! A real buzz of excitement filled the air! It was wonderful to see so many families in the hall after school purchasing books to buy at home. Reading for pleasure takes you on some magical journeys!

Look at our crazy socks! Gospels wore odd socks for Odd Sock Day to start off Anti-bullying week! We spoke about how everyone is unique and that it is okay to stand out!

Disciples class showed their support for Anti bulling by wearing odd socks. I have to admit, it did make my eyes go a little crazy :)

Anti-bullying week! Odd socks day- it’s ok to stand out and be different! We are all unique so celebrate all of our differences!

Mrs Booth, Disciples and Prophets Classes helped us all understand why people wear poppies today. At 11 am, we now know why we are having a 2 minute silence. We will remember them.

Tammy came in and taught us all about how God made the trees, stars and animals. He made us in his image so we can look after the living things he created. This worship involved a lot of leaves, glitter and stuffed animals!

The Dinosaur That Came To School
