Vocabulary: Hajj, prophets, harmony, pilgrimage, Ummah, Umrah, Shariah, community |
We will be exploring the Muslim faith and answering the following questions:
How is Muslim worship expressed collectively?
How does Muslim worship & celebration build a sense of community?
How does trying to follow shariah (straight path) create a community?
We will begin the unit by revisiting previous learning about Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah), remembering the key fact that Muslims are expected to carry out this pilgrimage at least once during their lifetime. We will then find out that Makkah was the birthplace of Islam and was associated with key events in the lives of the Prophets Ibrahim and Muhammad. Following on from this, we will find out that Muslims all travel to Makkah at the same time, perform the same prayers, speak the same words and at the same time carry out the same actions at the same time! We will also learn that the pilgrimage is a symbol of the harmony of the global Muslim community (the ummah).
After this we will explore the key questions of: How does trying to follow shariah (straight path) create a community and How does Muslim worship & celebration build a sense of community?