
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

WB 01/02/21

  Morning Session 1 Break Morning Session 2 Break  Morning Session 3  Lunch  Afternoon Session 1  Afternoon Session 2
Monday Maths 1 Break Reading 1 Break Writing 1 Lunch PE RE
Tuesday Maths 2 Break Reading 2 Break Writing 2 Lunch Science  Express yourself- Mental health week
Wednesday Maths 3 Break Reading 3 Break Writing 3 Lunch PE  Wellbeing Wednesday
Thursday Maths 4 Break Reading 4 Break Writing 4 Lunch Topic
Friday Maths 5 Break Reading 5 Break Writing 5 Lunch RSHE Music



Collective Worships and ideas can be found by following the link below. 

This week’s remote learning

Still image for this video

Eddie and the Birthday | POEM | Kids' Poems and Stories With Michael Rosen

This Poem can be found in the book you got for Christmas on page 103.

Children's Mental Health Week - Express Yourself 


Each and every single one of us are unique and special in our own ways. It's what makes the whole world such an amazing place. It is also one of the main reasons that I love teaching Disciples class so much. Everyone in class is amazing in their own individual way and we love it! 


This week we want you to take some time to express yourself and celebrate how amazing you are! I have attached some ideas for activities you can do but you can also come up with your own ideas! They could be dressing in your favourite clothes, writing a poem or song, a dance or sports routine. The possibilities are endless and we can not wait to see how you express yourself! 

Follow the link below to find lots of amazing resources from Mr Curtis! 