Definition of bullying
"The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online’."
Types of unwelcome acts of bullying might include:
Physical - hitting, kicking, tripping up, pinching, pushing or damaging property
Verbal – name calling, insults, teasing, ‘jokes’, mocking, taunting, gossiping, secrets and threats.
Non-verbal – staring, body language, gestures, posturing.
Indirect – excluding / leaving people out, spreading rumours and stories, emails, chat rooms, messaging phones, notes, making rude gestures or faces.
Racist - name calling, or negative comments about race, culture or religion
Online bullying or Cyberbullying – any of those actions above that take place online through digital devices e.g., mobile phones, computers and tablets.
How can WE help?
Listening to you.
Helping you understand what bullying is.
Talking about bullying regularly, so we can all spot bullying if it happens.
Making sure you know the names of adults you can speak to.
Being here to help and support you to make things better.
Supporting restorative conversations to try and resolve difficulties.
Can report worries to ANY adult in school , verbally or by using the Lighthouse Room/Class Worry box
Parents and Carers
Can report concerns to ANY adult in school,
In the first instance any concerns should be addressed to your child’s class teacher via:
If the child’s class teacher is unavailable , Parents/Carers can also contact a member of the Pastoral Team using the methods outlined above.
Parents are encouraged to report any concerns to the school in the first instance rather than seek to address incidents themselves.
Mrs F Booth Head Teacher
Mr T Bell Assistant Head Teacher
Mrs L Curtis Learning Mentor
Is it bullying?
- A useful resource when speaking to your child about issues before reporting them to the school.
National bullying helpline
- This website has a number of useful resources including instructions on how to block and report instances of bullying on social media platforms:
Anti-Bullying Alliance
- This website has a number of resources on a range of topics including spotting the signs of bullying and what to do if your child is accused of being a bully.
There are also useful anti-bullying videos to access through their YouTube channel.
Click on this link to view the videos.
We take part each year in the Anti Bullying Alliance 'Odd Sock Day ' to raise awareness and empower everyone to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes.