
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy




In Year 3 it is expected that the children will be reading 5 times a week and starting to make entries into their own Journals. This could be what they have learnt, what they have read about or what they enjoyed of the book. Whilst the children can read alone, it is encouraged for them to read aloud to an adult. This helps them with words that they don't know and enables the adult to ask questions about the book, building the children's comprehension skills. If you would like a list of some simple questions that you could ask, please speak to Mr Lee. 

Keep reading Year 3 and let's try and have the most tickets in the box every Friday! 



A brilliant online resource is the Oxford Owl Library which can be found by following the link below. 


Log in details: 

Username - disciples 

Password - Disciples 


Reading lessons 

During our Reading lessons at school, we spend Monday's and Friday's lessons working with our Class Book. During the rest of our Reading lessons we focus on Reading Comprehension skills using high quality fiction texts, non-fiction texts and poems.


Our Class Book

This term our class book is: The Iron Man written by Ted Hughes. 

Today we used our inference and prediction skills to predict what we thought would happen in The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. This was a bit tricky because all we could use to help us was the front cover of the page!


We can’t wait to read the book and see if our predictions are correct!



This term we will be focusing on Third Person Narratives and Playscripts. 


Third Person Narratives 

Whilst focusing on Third Person Narratives we will be learning about Third Person and planning and writing a third person version of The Three Little Pigs with a fourth brother! 

I wonder what the fourth brother will make his house out of? Will the wolf be able to blow it down? How will the story end? 



During our lessons about playscripts we will be learning all about the features of Playscripts and how they are used. We will be doing drama by following playscripts and then will plan and write our own Playscripts. 

Today we used the story of The Three Little Pigs to work in groups and act out the story. 
