
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

A Useful Start

My Lighthouse - Rend Collective - Lyrics

This is an important song for our school family that we love to sing, dance and share in our collective worship sessions. Please feel free to listen to this with your child and sing along!

Your Child's Learning

Your child will be learning through curiosity, exploration and questioning. Activities and environments are carefully planned out to cover and support the key 7 areas of learning listed below, and the sub-areas within these. Theses areas of learning are at the very center of the experiences your child will receive. 

Tapestry- Our Online Learning Journal

Tapestry is a fantastic online journal tool that allows communication between school and home regarding your child's learning. We frequently post videos, pictures and comments about your child's learning. We would also encourage you to use Tapestry to post and upload experiences, home-learning, and those special moments that you just want to share. This is a great opportunity to hold a conversation about the things your child has been learning about in school, and for them to show their peers in school what has happened at home. It is so very important to encourage children to talk, describe and explain at every given opportunity, and that's what makes Tapestry so crucial. 

We will be setting up your tapestry accounts within our transition meetings. However, if Tapestry is new to you and you would like to explore using it together, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 
