This week's suggested timetable is as follows.
Monday | Collective Worship |
Maths To be able to multiply 2-Digits by 1-Digit number without exchanging. Video Link and PDF with questions. |
Break |
Reading To be able to improve my fluency. Read a book or news article at home. |
Break |
Writing To be able to use Prepositions. Link to BBC Bitesize website with activities and learning on. |
Lunch |
PE PE with Joe Wicks on YouTube live from today. Or PE resources in the PE folder. |
RE To be able to understand God as the Trinity. PDF with learning and activity. |
Tuesday | Collective Worship |
Maths To be able to multiply 2-Digits by 1-Digit number with exchanging. Video Link with the questions included. |
Break |
Reading To be able to make a prediction. Two PDFs. One of the slides and one of the text. |
Break |
Writing To be able to agree and disagree. PDF letter from Mr Booth. |
Lunch |
Science To be able to investigate how important leaves are for a plant. PDF investigation sheet. |
Science To be able to investigate how important leaves are for a plant. PDF investigation sheet. |
Wednesday | Collective Worship |
Maths To be able to multiply 2-Digits by 1-Digit number with exchanging. Video Link and PDF with questions. |
Break |
Reading To be able to summarise my thoughts using a fiction text. Two PDFs. One of the slides and one of the text. |
Break |
Writing To be able to plan a letter. PDF planning sheet. |
Lunch |
PE PE with Joe Wicks on YouTube live from today. Or PE resources in the PE folder. |
PSHE To be able to understand Democracy. PDFs with learning and activities. |
Thursday | Collective Worship |
Maths To be able to divide a 2-Digit number by a 1-Digit number. Video Link and PDF with questions. |
Break |
Reading To be able to make a prediction. Two PDFs. One of the slides and one of the text. |
Break |
Writing To be able to plan a letter. PDF planning sheet. |
Lunch |
Topic Two PDFs. One for the leaning and one with the task. |
Topic To be able to understand and describe Plate Tectonics. Two PDFs. One for the leaning and one with the task. |
Friday | Collective Worship |
Maths To be able to divide a 2-Digit number by a 1-Digit number. Video Link and PDF with questions. |
Break |
Reading To be able to improve my fluency. Read a book or news article at home. |
Break |
Writing To be able to plan a letter. PDF planning sheet. |
Lunch |
Art To be able to use sketching skills. PDF instructions. |
Computing To be able to change the case of text. PDF with the learning and tasks. |
Each subject has the learning objective for that lesson and in bold you will see what you are looking for on the Remote Learning page for the lesson.
If you are in Mr Rowlatt's Reading group remember to access the work from his folder.
Collective Worships can be found by following this link: