
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


An Oxford Owl class account has been set up for all the children in Noah's Ark to access. The username is 'noahsark' and the password is 'stnicholas'. There is an amazing amount of information for Parents that will help to support in Remote Learning and there are free ebooks to use as part of your child's 'Reading' lesson. The link to the account is below.


I will still add books each week, but if you find the books aren't suitable for your child, and is either too difficult or too easy, you can access some of the other books.


There is an age range to choose from and please choose 4-5 years. The children will be working on Oxford Level 1+ and 2. 


Please continue to read with your child 5 times each week and let us know via Tapestry on a Thursday evening so they can still be included in the Friday celebration raffle.

This comic strip is for children that recognise the letters i n m d

This comic strip is for children using the letters j v w x



This comic is for children using the sounds ch sh th ng

