Vocabulary: being responsible, reliable, trustworthy, safe, healthy, rules, laws, rights, responsibility, United Nations, rules, democracy, influence, opinion respectful, courteous, anti-social behaviour, witness, income tax, national insurance, VAT, deductions, public services |
We will begin by learning and understanding the key terms:
Duty - a moral or legal obligation.
Responsibility - a task or action one is required to perform as part of one's job.
We will explore the rights that exist for all children in England and across the other countries of the United Nations and the importance of respecting the rights of others. This learning will then lead on to looking at how democracies are done through elections and individuals can make a small, but very important, difference to final decisions and outcomes within a democracy.
Next, we move on to look at 'influence' and the role that media outlets play on individual's opinions of a topic. We will use what we learn about influence to help us understand how we as individuals can influence other people's behaviour. To explore this we will look at the behaviour of bystanders when witnessing bullying and the difference between passive bystanders (do nothing when witnessing the behaviour) or active bystanders (stick up for the person being bullied). At the end of this, the children will be able to list 5 trusted adults that they can talk to if they need to share any worries.
Finally, we are going to look at the following definitions:
Income Tax: money which is used to pay for public services like hospitals, police, education, libraries etc.
National Insurance: money which is used to pay for state pension and other benefits.
VAT (Value Added Tax): a tax that is paid when people buy certain items that are seen as being less essential than other items.