
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


Place value (within 50)



Tens, ones, digit, more, less, greater than, less than, equal to. 


Our first unit of the term is place value within 50 where we will continue our learning of two digit numbers and the fact they are made up of tens and ones.  We will expand our number range to 50 and continue to learn to build number using base 10 equipment.  We will then look at one more and one less with numbers within 50 and we will compare and order them. 

Measuring length and height



Taller, longer, shorter, cm, centimeter, ruler, measure. 


This unit will be a practical unit where children get the opportunities to use a range of equipment to support their understanding of length and measure. 

We will focus on:

· Understanding and using vocabulary such as ‘taller, longer and shorter’ and ‘cm’. 

· Measuring length and height using a range of equipment, including a ruler.

· Comparing lengths and heights.


Mass and volume



Heavier, lighter, equal, full, empty, weight, mass, volume, capacity. 

This unit will also involve lots of practical lessons to support the children's understanding of mass and volume. 


We will focus on:


· Understanding and using vocabulary such as ‘heavier, lighter and equal’ and ‘full, nearly full, empty and nearly empty’. 

· Weighing and comparing objects using scales. 

· Measuring the amount of liquid in a container. 

· Comparing the capacity of different containers.
