This term we will cover two units both based on measures.
During this unit children will learn to use and understand the language of length such as long, longer, short, shorter, tall, taller. They will begin to recognise this language will change depending on what type of length they are describing and comparing.
During this unit the children are introduced to weight and mass for the first time. They may already have some understanding of heavy and light from their own experience of carrying objects.
The children will begin by holding objects and describing them using vocabulary such as heavy, light, heavier than, lighter than before using the scales to check. The children may believe that larger objects are always heavier and this misconception will be explored.
To enable them to measure the children will begin by using a variety of non-standard units (e.g. cubes, bricks) to measure the mass of an object. They will see that when the scale is balanced, the number of non-standard units can be used to determine the mass. E.g. One apple weighs ____ bricks.
The children will be introduced to volume and capacity for the first time. They will explore the concept in a practical way, using a variety of containers. They will compare the volume in a container by describing whether it is full, nearly full, empty or nearly empty.
Children will learn to measure the capacity of different containers using non-standard units of measure. They will begin to understand that the unit of measure must stay the same, for example the same cup, the same spoon etc. Also they will start to understand that to measure accurately, they must make each
container or non-standard measure full.
During our measures units we will continue to practice counting every day. At home please help your child to count forwards and backwards in 1s to 100. They will also need to practice counting in 2s and 10s!