
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy





Expectations     Manners     Polite    Nervous      Positive      Bullying      Accidentally      Feelings     Emotions


We aim to provide our children with the tools to build strong relationships. Strong relationships with teachers and school staff can dramatically enhance students' level of motivation and therefore promote learning. Students who have access to strong relationships are more academically engaged, have stronger social skills, and experience more positive behaviour.



In Year 2, the children will develop their knowledge from Year 1, where they looked at different feelings, how to manage them and the importance of listening. Their next component knowledge in Year 2 will include where and how to seek support (including recognising the triggers for seeking support), including whom in school they should speak to if they are worried about their own or someone else's mental wellbeing or ability to control their emotions (including issues arising online). They will learn how to treat themselves and others with respect; how to be polite and courteous.


Internet safety will be delivered once every term and Year 2 will revisit the key message they learnt in Year 1 that you must talk to a trusted adult if you see some that makes you feel uncomfortable on the screen. They will then develop this learning in Year 2 to discuss feelings which might occur after seeing something they don’t like online.
