
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Topic - WOW Day!

Start your WOW Day with this PDF

Topic WOW Day! 

All Day Monday!


I am so excited about our new Topic - Raiders and Traders! 

During this topic we will be using maps to locate different places, research what life was like for Anglo-Saxon settlers, learning about Alfred The Great amongst other exciting things! 


Today is a really exciting day! It is our Topic WOW Day!

We have some really exciting challenges for you to kickstart our new topic! Have a look below to find the challenges.



Challenge 1


Can you make a fact file about Anglo Saxon Longboats? Use the internet to find out interesting facts and use the best ones to make an information sheet about Anglo Saxon longboats!

This website has lots of information on it! 


Challenge 2 


Can you build an Anglo Saxon longboat that would fit 8 people inside along with some of the weapons and belongings that they would need? 

Be creative, you could use cardboard, bed sheets, towels, blankets or anything else that you have at home! 


Challenge 3


Can you make a small longboat that can actually float in water? 

Think about how you're going to make it water proof so that it doesn't take in water and sink. What will you use to make the boat and make it strong enough to not just fall apart? 


We hope you have an amazing WOW Day to start this exciting new topic! 


Don't forget to send pictures to so that we can all enjoy the WOW Day together! 
