In Year 1, children do their writing through their RWI lessons. However, outside of our RWI lessons, your child will have plenty of writing opportunities across our curriculum. In Year 1, we also have daily handwriting sessions where we focus on letter families. These are groups of letters that start off with the same formation, for example 'c' and 'a'. To learn how to write these letters we continue using the rhymes that the children were exposed to when they were in EYFS. Last term we focussed on ladder letters and one armed robot letters. The children practised the same letter for a week to support them in forming the letter correctly. This term the children will review letters they looked at last term as well as learning how to form curly caterpillar letters.
We follow letter families to group the letters which supports your child in correctly forming a letter. However, to form a letter we use the RWI sayings. Below are the RWI sayings that the children use when they are forming their letters.