We are really enjoying our reading in Year 1 and we always look forward to our daily story time. The children are now able to join in with reading more as their own reading develops. This term we are reading another set of exciting and engaging stories as well as non-fiction books where we will learn about Neil Armstrong. We will also be looking at and reciting some poems where at the end of term, we get to perform them to the rest of the school.
Our traditional tale this term is 'The Enormous Turnip' which is all about working together as a team which links nicely to our value of unity.
Please continue to read with your child 5 times a week whether that be their phonics reading book or a reading for pleasure book. Please remember to sign their reading diary each day. When reading together encourage your child to use their sounds to read the words. Your child's reading book will be changed by their phonics teacher every Monday and they will need to read their book at least 3 times a week as research shows that reading improves when children re-read the same book. This will help your child read their book confidently.
VocabularyFiction, non-fiction, contents page, illustration. |