
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


This term during Maths we will be continuing to focus on Addition and Subtraction and will then be moving onto Multiplication and Division.



Addition and Subtraction Vocabulary 

hundreds, tens, ones, add, plus, subtract, takeaway, less than, greater than, difference, exchange.


Multiplication and Division Vocabulary 

multiplication, groups of, multiply, division, divide, equal groups, array.


2 Times Table Song - Percy Parker - Wave Your Arms In The Air With Percy - with animation and lyrics

2 x table

3 Times Table Song - Percy Parker - Who Likes School Dinners - with animation and lyrics

3 x table

Three Times Table Song (Cover of Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars)

Mr. DeMaio and friends cover Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars in this fun multiplication video that can be used to help you memorize your three time...

5 Times Table Song - Percy Parker - Say Percy Parker Quickly - with animation and lyrics

5 x table

Skip Count by 10 Song For Kids
