Welcome to The Prophets Class page!
We hope everyone is looking after themselves and you are able to make the best out of our current situation. Our class page is being regularly updated with lots of home learning suggestions, including how to look after your mental health and well-being as well as your physical and academic progress.
Why not take a look and enjoy exploring some of the opportunities on offer here ...
Click the link to view our returning to school Ebook for Year 6
Welcome everybody.
For Summer 2 we will be following the National Oak Academy. Please see the link for more information.
Parents and children - If you have any questions at all during these school closures, please do not hesitate to ask. We are only too happy to help where we can, even if it is just for a friendly email. Emails will be responded to from 3pm to 4pm on a daily basis. I look forward to hearing from you all.
In our run-up to the end of Year 6, the children will be working more independently on their extended writing. Throughout the term we will be writing explanation texts, biographies and a description and second chapter to a adventure story set on the Galapagos Islands to link to our Darwin topic.
In the lead up to SATs the importance of the basics in Maths are becoming more and more profound. Most of these skills are not specific to Year 6: long and short division, long and short multiplication, addition and subtractions including decimals, fractions and percentages.
As you may know, all of the Prophets class have a copy of the Year 6 revision textbooks which we recommended they are using at least 3 times a week in order to help them achieve as much success as possible in the coming months.
Times table rockstars is a great way for your children to practise and improve their times table knowledge and we encourage the children to use it several times a week. As you can see, we are currently doing fantastically in the local area but we are challenging the children to get us in that top 3 spot.
After finishing 'A Child's War', our World War II topic, we will be changing to a more Science based topic with Darwin's Delights, one of my favorite topics. In this topic we will be explore who Charles Darwin was, what he did and his findings. This topic gives great links to our Science unit of adaptation and inheritance, so the children can really immerse themselves in this work.
The Prophets will be moving from a with the world of biology in science. We will be exploring the adaptation and inheritance in animals and plants as we take an in-depth look at evolution. Plants and animals exist in such a vast and varied range of species but are linked in numerous ways. We will be looking at how these animals are related; they have developed into new species over thousands of years.
In RE this term, we will be delving into the story of creation and discussing a traditional, but contemporary, question on whether scientists can believe in God.
Remember to keep checking back for more updates or follow us on twitter @StNProphets