We love to read in Year 1 and look forward to our daily story time after dinner each day. We are now focusing on being able to talk about the books we are reading and answering simple questions about them. When reading together at home try asking some questions such as:
· What do you think might happen next?
· How do you think the character is feeling? Why?
· What is your most or least favourite part of the story? Why?
Please remember to read with your child and sign their reading diary at least three times a week. When reading together encourage them to use their sounds to read the words.
Remember that each Friday we give out stickers for those who have been reading at home, and children that have read 3 times earn a raffle ticket to go into the reading prize draw!
This term we will be reading some of our reading spine books as well as delving into some poetry! We read so many books because we love to read!
Our focus texts this term will be:
Some of the texts are available to read online or to watch as a film! We would encourage the children to share these stories and poems over and over again with you at home so that their understanding of the plot, story line and characters really develops!
Home Learning Links
Reading for pleasure is our priority across the school. When children read a whole new world of imagination is opened up to them. There are many online reading games and books but none can replace sharing a book with a parent/carer at home and together being transported to a new land or place!