
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


Body Pump - The Circulatory System


This term in science, Mrs Dougill and Year 6 will be looking into the biological side of science as they explore the circulatory system. Prophets will be discovering the journey that red blood cells take around the body and the importance of their journey in keeping us alive. Along the way, Year 6 will be finding out the make up of the heart and how this amazing and vital organ works.








Thursday 27th May 2021

Today we concluded our ‘Body Pump’ science topic by sorting some true and false statements and making an information wheel to recap some of the facts we’ve learned this term.

Thursday 20th May

Today we learned all about how water is transported in our bodies and why it is so important to human health. The children made presentations about what they had learned:



Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Thursday 13th May.


Today Year 6 used their research skills to find out about the functions of veins, arteries, capillaries and valves in the circulatory system. They then explained their findings in their own words.

Today we made ‘Blood Soup’!! First we found out about what blood is made up of (its components) and the function - or job- of each component.

Today we learned about the parts of the heart and their functions. Then we made models of the heart.
