
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


This term our whole class story is ...

Fantastic Mr. Fox is an interesting book about life in the countryside. Mr. and Mrs. Fox and their four cubs are trying to outwit three horrible farmers. The farmers are called Bunce, Boggis and Bean. They are really, really nasty. Roald Dahl paints vivid pictures of the three of them.

Mr. Fox is brave and very, very smart. He works together with Mr Badger, to keep their families safe underground, far from the diggers, shovels and guns of the nasty farmers. Mr Fox dug three tunnels, to each of the farm’s cellars and managed to steal all he could to feed all the animal families!


This term we are going to be focusing on increasing the speed of our reading and becoming much more independent at reading and answering questions based around a variety of texts. 

We will look at fiction, non-fiction and then poetry! 


Please encourage your child to read daily a home, even their school books or listening to stories read to them by yourselves. Record when your child reads, in their reading record book. We try to check these on Mondays, and Fridays and all books are changed on Fridays. 

If your child has read 5 times at home then they earn a raffle ticket which gets entered into a chance to win a reading book and a certificate during celebration collect worship on Fridays. 

Reading Acitivities
