
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Spelling - Mr Lee

Tuesday and Wednesday 


Today we are going to be looking at adding the suffix -ous. Remember a suffix goes at the end of a root word. 


For example - Dangerous. The root word is danger and the suffix is ous. 


Have a look at your learning and activities for Tuesday and Wednesday below. 




What words can you think of that have ous as a suffix? Write them in a table like the one below. 

Root word Suffix  Root word + suffix
danger  ous dangerous


Thursday and Friday 


We are going to be looking at adding the suffix ly. Have a look below for your work for Thursday and Friday. 





What words can you think of that have ous as a suffix? Write them in a table like the one below. 

Root word Suffix  Root word + suffix
beautiful ly beautifully 