
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


Place Value and Addition and Subtraction


During this term we will be continuing to follow White Rose Maths and will start by learning about Place Value. 

Whilst learning about Place Value we will look at how numbers are made, what the different place value columns mean, how numbers can be represented through using numbers up to 1,000.


We will then move onto Addition and Subtraction. During this unit we will learn about adding and subtracting numbers up to three-digits. We will be learning about how to add and subtract when we don't need to cross the 10 and when we do need to cross the 10.

5 Times Table Song - Percy Parker - Say Percy Parker Quickly - with animation and lyrics

5 x table

Place Value 


Today we looked at place value up to 100. We had a challenge to see how many 3 digit numbers we could make using 2 counters and the 4 counters. We found that all 3 digit numbers need to have a value in the hundreds column. 
