
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


At St Nicholas C.E. Primary Academy, we have reviewed and reflected on our homework expectations based on the needs of our pupils and the response to the last 2 years of a global pandemic. Our focus for the new academic year is to continue to drive improvements in times tables and developing a love of reading.  


Times Table Rock Stars 

All children have access to Times Table Rock Stars and are expected to complete 10 minutes a night (5 times a week). Times Table Rock Stars is a website aimed at developing times table accuracy and speed.  


You can access Time Table Rock Stars by clicking the following link: 


Please contact school if you have any issues being able to access Times Table Rock Stars or need a device to access it.  




We are aim to improve all children’s love of reading so we have removed the requirement for children to have a reading record signed.


This does not mean children are no longer expected to read because, as we know, reading is the gateway to developing vocabulary, fluency, spelling, writing and understanding and therefore is the most important skill to develop.


Children are now given the option to respond in a creative way to what they have read. They are given the opportunity to write book reviews, create posters, write a debate and many other options in-school based on what they have read outside of school.


We are very excited and cannot wait to see what books our children dive into this year.  

