
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Week Beginning 22/06/21



We are finding numberbonds to 10 and looking at odd and even numbers. 


Day 1 - Watch Numberblocks Ten again


Find 10 objects and separate them into two groups. Can you count each group and write a number sentence to show it. Eg. 9 + 1 = 10. How many different sentences can you do?



Day 2



Watch the PowerPoint. Can you count how many teddies there are in the bed? Can you count how many have fallen out? Can you predict what number sentence will be next?

Day 3


Watch the Numberblocks episode Odd Side Story


Can you collect 10 objects and choose a number from 1-10? Can you work out if the amount you have chosen is odd or even? The Numberblocks will help you.

Day 1 - Writing


What is Summer? poem. Can you read the poem and then listen out for some rhyming words? Can you think of some other rhyming words and write them down using the Phonics sound mats to help you.

Day 2 - RE


We have been looking at Creation stories from different religions in the recent weeks. Today we looked at different light sources. Can you think of different things you get light from and talk about them? You could draw a picture.


Do you have a torch? Or is it a sunny day? Choose a toy and place it onto some paper. Shine your torch on the paper or place your paper outside. Is the light causing a shadow? Can you draw around the shadow? Maybe you could do it with people in your family too.
