
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy

Our Collective Worship Themes


Within the love of God, at St Nicholas CE Primary Academy we serve our unique community by placing children at the heart of all that we do.

Our Christian Collective Worship Themes work on a 2 Year Cycle of:

(Year A) Family, Peace, Forgiveness, Justice, Love and Responsibility, 

(Year B) Creativity, Generosity, Courage, Hope, Perseverance & Wisdom, to encourage everybody within our community to ‘let their light shine’ and fulfil their unique potential.


The cycle this year is Year B

Autumn Term 1 - Creativity 
























Autumn Term 2 - Generosity















Spring Term 1 - Courage























Spring Term 2 - Hope

Summer Term 1 - Perseverance 

















Summer term 2 - Wisdom



