
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


In Year 2 this year, we will continue to teach Phonics every day throughout the first Autumn half term to ensure all children are secure and confident within the phonics band they are working in. We aim for the children to move quickly through the different phases, recapping and extending them all in the letters and sounds programme we use within our school setting.

Please continue to practice using sounds at home when reading and writing.


To begin with we will be revisiting the phonic sounds in phase 3,4 and 5, ensuring that the children are confidently able to use them both in reading and in spelling so that the children are ready for the phonic screening. The Department for Education have proposed that for 2020/21 only, subject to necessary legislation, schools will administer a past version of the Phonics Screening Check to Year 2 pupils during the second half of the autumn 2020 term.

Children who reach the expected standard (the "pass threshold") will not be required to complete any more assessments; children who don't reach the expected standard will take the Screening Check in June 2021.


To find out more about phonics please click the link to our dedicated phonics area on our website where you can find lots of support, guidance and information.
