
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


Monday. The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark - Chapter 4 by Jill Tomlinson. Think about the chapters 1 to 3 that we have already read in class.

What were those chapters called? Who did Plop meet? What were the main events that happened in those chapters?
Then predict what will happen in chapter 4 ...As Plop wakes for another day, who will he meet this time?

TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY - Log on to Oxford reading tree (Username Apostles Password Class) and read the non-fiction book called ANIMAL MAGIC included in the free library. Complete any only line tasks within the books. Look at the structure of the non-fiction book and remember to use the contents page to guide you through the book.

THURSDAY - Reading Comprehension. Read and answer the questions based on the text. (3 different levels)

FRIDAY Listen again to all of chapter 4 and answer the questions underneath.

FRIDAY - Read and answer the following question based on Chapter 4 Dark Is Necessary. 
