
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


Poem of the week

Each week we would love to share a poem of the week with you from the poetry books that Santa gave us as a Christmas gift.  Click the link here to see Mrs Smith reading this week's poem!

Monday and Friday

Our class story this term is 'The Enormous Turnip'. You should be getting good at being able to read the story to a grown up at home without much help now!  If you can do this try not looking ......can you tell the story without the words?

Monday Task


Read the story of the Enormous Turnip.  Try to read it yourself!

After reading see if you can answer my questions below.  You do not need to write your answers, you can talk to someone about them.

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

Our story this week is Old Bear by the author Jane Hissey.  Follow the link below to listen to the story.

1-1 | Old Bear Stories - Old Bear

If you enjoy the story of Old Bear, Jane Hissey has her own website containing links to other stories she had written.  Perhaps you would like to listen to some more stories!

Tuesday Task


Listen to the story of Old Bear.  The story started with Bramwell Brown thinking about a special day.  He wasn't sure what his special day was but he knew he had one!  What special days could Bramwell have had?  (Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Firework night, holidays, days out, family visits etc)  What might he have done on those special days?


Can you think of some special days you have had?  Talk to your grown -up about those special days.  What made them special?  How did they make you feel? 

Wednesday Task

Listen to the story of Old Bear again.  This time think about how the character's would be feeling in the story. Can you explain why?  Talk to a grown-up and see if you both agree!


Challenge:  Can you number these sentences from 1 to 6 to show the order in which they appear in the story. The first one has been done for you.


Rabbit said ‘Let’s try bouncing on the bed’.


Bramwell thought about the day’s adventures.


They built a tower out of bricks.


Bramwell gave Little Bear a torch.


Old Bear was put into the attic in a box.


Little Bear noticed a plant in the corner of the room.


Now listen to the story again and listen out for the key parts of the story. Mark your work as you listen.  Did you get them in the correct order?


Oh my goodness.....some of the words have gone missing from the story of The Enormous Turnip!  Can you identify the missing words?


