
St Nicholas Church of EnglandPrimary Academy


Welcome toSt Nicholas Church of England Primary Academy


Vocabulary: Adopted, religion, success, afro, soccer, standing ovation, rehearsal, persuade, advertisement, argument.



This term our class novel will be......

The Fletchers are an unusual family. You might consider them unusual because they are all male — the family consists of four adopted boys and two fathers — but what really makes them stand out is how inclusive, loving and fun they are.  Though all the Fletcher children are boys, they are as different as can be. Sam, “with his tan and his surfer shorts,” is 12, the oldest of the four. Jax, at 10, is “all elbows and knees and woolly black Afro that he refused to cut.” Eli, also 10 but younger than Jax, is “slight and freckly-pale with glasses.” Frog, the youngest, is 6, though Levy writes that he “seemed to have the energy of at least three 6-year-olds, but in a very concentrated size.” Each boy is either of a different religion or ethnic background, and the family celebrates them all. As if the household weren’t chaotic enough, there are also many wild pets: Sir Puggleton, the dog, and Zeus, the cat, along with a kitten and a turtle that the family acquires later on. You could also include Flare, Frog’s imaginary friend, who happens to be a cheetah.


Reading at Home

Reading is your 'golden ticket' and by reading at home, you will not only be opening a whole new world of opportunity in your learning but you are able to escape into different worlds and experience life as different people!  We will be encouraging children to read daily at home and to love books!  there will be daily Dojo rewards for those that do!


This term we will be writing to persuade!  We will be looking at how advertisements are made then writing, producing our own advertisements for our school!  

Ed's Heinz Ad

Our second piece of persuasive writing will be a letter to Mrs Booth to tell her what we would like to make our school better.  We will work together to identify the things we think would improve our school and then try to form arguments to persuade her to make our wishes come true!
